The old OSRS Gold was around (this was years ago I'm talking about) the PKing community of RuneScape was a good group of people. We first asked "dm?" We then asked "dm?" or "fight?" Before we attacked or fought someone. We wanted to make sure that they were prepared and that we had an enjoyable, fair fight.
People will DM. In many cases in RuneScape these times, I'll request anyone "dm?" You'll get a reply of "sure" or "yes" within minutes.
Our mains were also pin against our top accounts. This was more fun since the stats were well-balanced, making it a real battle, and it was it was fun to watch range beat magic, and mage beat melee, ect. Now we have these pures that are totally unbalanced, and it has just made PKing less enjoyable.
Is this me? Has the PKing community lost its integrity over the last few years? These are just some of the instances I've come across, but I'm sure there's others. Do you think this authenticity will be restored with the return of the old wilderness? Or do you think that it will be just a playground for RuneScape annoyances?
Many people don't think about the many changes that have occurred since 2007. I was thinking of the following: I believe that Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold had a tiny screen with a limited field of view. The camea was constantly adjusted. The camera is no longer necessary for players to see the other players.