The success rate of such a request is less Whatsapp number database because the publication is still accessible via the CIR. The government, therefore, considers the information in the CIR still relevant to the public. The same may also apply to the Whatsapp number database information on the transfer websites. However, there is an important difference between the CIR and the transfer websites, namely that as mentioned earlier the publication in the CIR is covered by guarantees, which means that the publication is not indexed in the list Whatsapp number database of search results, among other things.
The publication on the Whatsapp number database transfer website, on the other hand, does not contain any guarantees. The privacy of the bankrupt is in no way taken into account. The information is also indexed by the search engines. The lack of these guarantees Whatsapp number database increases the privacy interest of the bankrupt, which also increases the chance of a successful request.
Moreover, there is no need for internet users to access this information, as the bankruptcy information is still accessible to internet users Whatsapp number database through the CIR. As a result, there is not always a question of public interest, which makes it possible to successfully invoke the right to be forgotten. Protection of your personal data Whatsapp number database Everyone has the right to the protection of their personal data. The right to protection of personal data is a Whatsapp number database fundamental right.