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MAC's Crankit Foundation Exist to... 

  • Give relief to all people in need arising from...

  • Poverty

  • Sickness

  • Suffering

  • Distress discrimination

  • Misfortune

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Special need

  • & Other such causes

  • Aims to empower young people through...

  • sports

  • counselling

  • employability to nourish their talents

  • increase their confidence

  • and lead them to success.

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Date Registered : 1st July 2023

MAC's Crankit Foundation is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 01 Jul 2023. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 .

..."Help Us to Help Others       ...Cause We Can "

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We are now authorize to conduct a Fundraising event.  

Charitable Fundraiser Number :   CFN/27261

Wish to become a Sponsor to our programs?

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MAC's Crankit Foundation


White Structure

Provide Relief

Provide relief to all people in need arising from poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, discrimination, misfortune, disability, age, special needs and other such causes in developing countries as declared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Help Children & Vulnerable Persons

To help persons, especially children & vulnerable persons who are victims of neglect sexual abuse, media abuse, physical & mental abuse & all other forms of abuse.

Empower, Encourage & Protect

To empower & encourage children to speak up and seek help from a trusted person when asked to perform illegal duties.
To protect children from illegal exchange and help reduce homelessness of children.

White Structure


To provide and facilitate education through sports for underprivileged individuals especially minors within these countries.

Response to Communitry Needs

To be responsive to community needs and influential in society policy development to address relief of needs with these countries.

Charitable Purpose

Engage in fundraising efforts and accept donations to support cultural and social initiatives.
Engage in sponsorship programs to educate, train and support underprivilege individuals within these countries.

Fundraising & Financial Sustanability

Develop sustainable revenue streams inclusive of public fundraising, grants and sponsorships to support the continuation of the organization.

Legal & Financial Compliance

Ensure meticulous record-keeping and adherence to relevant laws and egulations governing charity operations.

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What we are currently doing?

Coach Pat's passion to "Help Others" brings people around her to help her achieve  those dreams. We started in a small group of tennis players with coach Pat as the tennis coach.

From there, these are what we currently do and  more to come in the future.


Play Tennis

The first sports program we service is Tennis. We started our tennis Program since 2014 and currently growing. we conduct tennis lessons (Group and private lessons). We do Tennis Community Clinics.


Community Service

We started our community services in the Philippines by conducting Community Tennis clinic programs.


Sponsorship Programs

Since the beginning of MAC's Crankit, we sponsor tennis players from the Philippines and bring here in Australia to train and compete.

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What are our future activities?

Since MAC's Crankit has been officially granted a Charity Organization, we will expand our service to the following in the near future and many more to come.


Other Sporting Activities

We will expand to other Sporst to make Australian and others to more mentally and physicallyy active through sports programs..


Community Service

We are planning to expand in health by providing and facilitate educationthrough sports for underprivileged individuals especially minors within these countries


Sponsorship Programs

Engage in sponsorship programs to educate, train, and support underprivileged individuals within these countries.


Fundraising Programs

To support its objectives, We  will actively seek donations from individuals, businesses, and government grants. Fundraising events, inclusive of charity galas, auctions, and campaigns, will be held quarterly to sustain the programs and expand their reach.

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Get to Know Us...

MAC's Crankit Foundation Lltd. exists to provide relief to all people in need arising from poverty, sickness, sufferings, distress discrimnation, misfortune, disablility, age, special needs, and other such causes.


39A William Street, Holroyd NSW 2142

ACN 624 227 701

ABN  55 624 227 701

Mobile : 0402658145


Address : 86 Stonecutters Drive, Colebee, NSW 2761

Mobile : 0402658145

© Copyright  2014 MAC's CrankIt Foundation. 

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